Lots of people have questions about Payday Loans and Payday Advances if they’ve never used the service. And if you’re looking for answers, you’re in the right place!

First, it’s important to know that payday loans and payday advances serve the same purpose. Here at Amscot, we have our own name for it: “Amscot Cash Advance.” Why do we call it that? Because here at Amscot we give our approved cash advance customers cash, and not every provider does that!

We’ve become known as The Money Superstore® for good reason. Here, you’ll find a full menu of convenient financial services in addition to cash advances – from check cashing to electronic bill payment. We even offer FREE money orders! Plus, we’re conveniently located in Brooksville. We open early and we stay open late for your convenience, and we do it seven days a week!

The links at the bottom of this page can provide you with more information on our cash advance product, or you can click here to get started with your Cash Advance.