You’ve come to the right place if you’re someone who wants to know more about Payday Loans or Payday Advances in Fort Myers. This is a financial option used by many people in order to deal with unexpected expenses that come up. After learning the facts, you can decide if this financial option makes sense for you!

At Amscot, we refer to a payday loan or a payday advance as an “Amscot Cash Advance.” Why? Because our approved cash advance customers walk out the door with cash in their hand! We’re also close by with locations in Fort Myers.

Below we’ve placed some helpful links so you can learn more! Or, click this link to get started with your Cash Advance and you’ll have an opportunity to speak with one of our associates who will gladly answer your questions about Amscot’s cash advance process. Of course you can also stop by Amscot anytime. We’re open early to late, weekends too!